
Effective Communication Skills Applicable to Academic and Professional Contexts


  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2352
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: FY026
  • Downloads: 975
Question :

Topic - Reflection

Task (Essay)

 This task is divided into two parts:

Part A:

Write an essay, which must be on either a job or education experience (current or previous). The essay should discuss your experience of effective communication and the process that enabled you to improve your performance. (Approx. 700 words). You can utilise Driscolls Model of Reflection.

Part B:

   You need to include a reflection of how working and communicating in a professional or academic context. Part A has influenced your individual performance, behaviour and experience. (Approx. 300 words).

Learning Outcomes

LO1. Discuss effective communication skills applicable to academic and professional contexts.

LO2. Highlight on individual performance, experience and behaviour in education and or employment.



Effective communication & Improving performance, & how this influenced My performance, behaviour & experience. Reflective piece (1000 words)


This part of reflective uses Driscolls model of reflection and I will elaborate my experiences at work where I found reflective communication and the process that enable me to improve my performance in the table below:

1. What?        350 words

A brief description of the situation or event

Discuss a situation or event which allows you to improve performance because of effective communication.

What is/ was the aim?

The main aim of this issue is to identify the situation I was placed into and what actions and steps I should have taken, and how my actions would affect the business.

What happened in the scenario?

In my previous job, my main work is to deal with customers loan application on appointment bases. On that day, office was very busy and there was a customer who was insisting that he had booked an appointment with me, a day before and requested to be seen straight away. In our system base, there was no appointment made for this customer, and I could not remember talking to him as he stated. However, the customer was determined to wait until somebody will proceed with this application.

What did I see during the event?

I have explained that due to the high demand of appointments. I booked him for another day and examined that unfortunately he could not be seen straight away. Since the system was showing no appointment made for him., it would be unfair for other customers who were already waiting and confirmed their appointment already.

What was my reaction to it?

I appointed straight away to all other people waiting to be seen and asked them politely to bear with me until we sort this situation. Due to this miscommunication I had no option but to ask my manager to get engaged as I had no further authority.

2. So what?

Evaluate the event

How did I observe at the time of event?

Back then I was not agreeing with my managers decision. This situation left me upset back then because other people who really booked ahead, had a delay with their appointments. And this customer wasn’t being honest and demanded to be seen straight away.

Were those feelings I had any different from other people who were involved at the time?

The customer was very happy that his request was being considered and made him feel important. Even though his application was declined he managed to achieve an outcome on this day rather than coming back.

Are my feelings and emotions now, after the event, any different from what I experienced at the time?

My manager made the right choice on this occasion and if I was able to have gone back in time.

Part B

3. Now what? (300 words)

Proposed action following the event

What are the implications for others and me in practice, based on what I have described and analysed?

Reflecting over this issue now, this has been a good lesson as I have learned to be more patient since then and try and analyse the situation and make effective decision.

Will it make any difference if I select to do nothing?

If I choose not to reflect upon my action course and not compromise it would resulting a misunderstanding and conflicts on daily bases.

Where can I get information from, if I were to face a similar situation again?

If I was facing a similar situation such as the in question.

Do I need help to guide me to action the results of my reflections?

Since then whenever I found myself in an uncomfortable situation, I always took minute alone, to go through every step again and how I could change the outcome.

Conclusion (100 words)

Answer :


This file will reflect upon communication skills and various skills one needs to perform per working in a particular segmentation. This has resulted in a common state that shall be overviewed so that one can perform all the tasks per require. In this file Driscoll model is used as it can perfectly summarise the whole content in one gist. This model represents a very systematic way of telling about full incident. This will also include the feeling and issues which were faced while working in the certain zone (Casselberry, 2019).


This model has a proper procedure which is being followed while answering the question. It is properly mentioned below plus the two questions which need to be addressed are also given below:

Effective Communication Skills Applicable to Academic Profession.

Basically there are mainly many communication skills which have to be performed as per communication skills. Some of them which are very common and are generally used in the field of academic help are given below:

  • listening: its very important to have this skills, unless one shall not listen correctly they cannot process whole information and later cannot perform such task in proper manner.
  • Body language: this is very important as it shall be performed as per requirement they have to collect all such information in the zone. The basic purpose here is to communicate a proper posture so one can look confidant and should perform all such task correctly.
  • Open mind: this is very important to have and understand two side of the same concept.

Many such more skills such as being confident, respect each others thoughts and any more things which have to be performed in this case law.

Understanding this concept through Driscoll Model of reflection, include three steps which clears an information related to what in context to returning regarding subject, so what to understand such concepts and in last snow what to understand the present concept of subject.

Individual performance, experience and behaviour (Cronin and et. al.,2019)



Part A


1. What?



A description of the situation or event





What is/was the Purpose?



The sole purpose here is to understand my skills and polish them in a better way. The main purpose of having such communication skills in eduction is to understand all the concepts very clearly and make the main purpose of this file for connecting the main communication skills.



What happened in the event/scenario?



I have always been very much recognised in my school but due to my skill development department was low I could not perform well in certain areas.


What did I see/do during the event?



The activities which are being performed in my school have been really negative and shall be supportive in the working criteria.


What was my reaction to it?


I have personally followed to learn such skills as they have always helped me in making a good conversation and represent myself better.


What did other people do that were involved in this?


Communication is required to perform a particular step through which one can assess all information and understand simple and complex subjects as well.


How did they react or what did they do as a result of it?


In studying for higher education one has to address such kinds of situation and have to acknowledge the correct meaning which can be interested in this situation. The results were that I started to work on my weak spots and became more personal in this zone.



2. So What?



Analyse the Event


How did I feel at the time of the event?


I feel very much vulnerable at this time as things have been changing and things hall work as per required in this condition. I still feel a lot of space and face several difficulties while talking to other people but later it comes very easy to portray my feelings.


Were those feelings I had any different from other people who were involved at the time?


After understanding all such concepts I have to co relate all such things which are connected in this skill development project. Peoples perception changed towards me and they started to understand things in my way.


Are my feelings now, after the event, any different from what I experienced at the time?


After understanding all such concepts I have to co relate all such things which are connected in this skill development project. The effects of this started showing in my work and my skills such as being more out and open minded in understanding both side perspective as I started to listen more clearly to people. The effects of this start to show in my work and my nature as well, I became more positive towards my work and shall create a proper matter of influential person.


Do I still feel troubled, if so, in what way?


I became more positive towards my work and shall create a proper matter of influential person. I always have compared my self in such situations and now things have changes with time.


What were the effects of what I did or did not do?


The effects is being a better individual and understanding things from a good point of view. Having such things gave me clarity.


What positive aspects now emerge for me from the event that happened in practice?


The main reason that I feel a little different is because I have endeared such effects and skills now. Due to this I can perform more better and become more positive in such zone.



What have I noticed about my behaviour in practice by taking a more measured look at it?


I have noticed the change in my day to day routine and lifestyle.


What observations does any person helping me to reflect on my practice make of the way I acted at the time?


My teachers started to have a positive response from me and became more active in taking interest over things which I have solved. The main reason here, also can be that I became far more better in my workings skills and did not depend on other people like I used to in previous times.



Part B


3. Now What?





Proposed actions following the event


What are the implications for others and me in practice, based on what I have described and analysed?


I feel much better now after endearing such skills and making it a better experience while learning. Such skills even help in preparing a person to be in a better zone and can make them more realistic in nature to provide such things. I have to make all my skills excel as well and provide the correct feedback to improve as well with time.


Will it make a difference if I choose to do nothing?



Yes I will keep backing up in my life and never develop myself on individual levels.


Where can I get information from, if I were to face a similar situation again?


When I will perform the same task again. Like giving a presentation in my class before and after learning this will directly measure things in many ways.


Do I need help to assist me to ‘action' the results of my reflections?


Yes every reflection I make shall be comprising of my reactions and shall be depended over the fact of creating many issues in such.


Which aspect/s should be addressed first?


The communication skills which I have worked on and the main area of writing correct methods which will help me in rectifying my mistakes and help me endure per requirement.


How will I know if I am different in clinical practice?


Once I start practising these methods things will become more clear in my head and shall reflect on my work as well.


What is the main learning that I can take from reflecting on my practice?


The main things here to learn and put in personal life as well is to be disciplined in nature then to be very much focused in what I perform and how do I perform it.



In this file, all things which are required by a student to take initiative towards is provided clearly. They have to analyse where they should develop and keep making changes in their lifestyle. The main purpose of this file is to give a good reflection of changes one has done and as well they have learned in their learning environment.

Also read:- Employability & Professional Development

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